Mission Statement: 

The Mission of SIBS is to provide learning opportunities rich in collaboration, inquiry, character development, and global mindedness, strengthened by the multilingual and intercultural perspectives of China and the world to build confidence, compassion, empathy, and responsibility in our students.

Vision Statement: 

SIBS is to build a multicultural, bilingual, and world-class international school. 

SIBS Expected Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (ESLOs): 

1) Academic Achiever

2) Critical Thinker

3) Effective Communicator

4) Involved Citizen

5) Self-directed Learner

Six Pillars of Character Development 

SIBS students are to abide by six traits known as the six pillars of character development which integrated into all phases of learning and behavior and school-related activities: 

1) Trustworthiness

2) Fairness

3) Respect

4) Caring

5) Responsibility 

6) Citizenship 

SIBS Motto: 

Learned and Righteous, Articulate and Truthful.
